Charles Lynch

  • Back to Katahdin - Are you from the Katahdin region, moved away, but would love to come back for a job opportunity?

    Back to Katahdin

    GNP Employment office 1940s
    GNP employment office in the 1940's

    Are you from the Katahdin region and moved away in order to find work, but would love to come back? Or maybe you're from another area, love the Katahdin region and would consider moving here if a good job opportunity was available?  Let us know!  

    Our home towns have produced an amazing amount of talent.  People have developed skills over many years of work in the paper mills and other industries, and employers are looking for these skills. Unfortunately, many people have had to take those skills elsewhere.

    By filling out the form below you are helping us make the case that there is a talented, skilled work force in the Katahdin region that is ready to get back to work.  We want every employer to know that this is a great place to do business!

    Thank you for your help in making the case for the Katahdin region, and please know that we will never publish or share any of your personal information with anyone, for any reason.

    Take the survey